
Push lawn mower with leaf bag attached.

Our tree leaves are coming down, but don’t throw them away - put them to work for you. We’ve talked about creating a traditional compost pile in the past, but if you only have a small amount of yard waste consider bag composting.

Decorative graphic of blog components.

What is Blogging? Blogging is a personal web log that was initially used to share feelings, thoughts and ultimately opinions. Today, it has grown into a unique platform that many businesses and corporations utilize as a marketing tactic to increase visibility and growth.

Truck bed full of squash.

Most gardeners anxiously await planting season and often get over zealous. Either the garden ends up larger than planned or more tomatoes, potatoes, and zucchini are planted than are actually needed. It is similar to going to the grocery store when you are hungry – you end up with more than you intended.

Barn with animal fencing.

Now that we have entered Spring, being outdoors and enjoying the warmer weather is the top priority on our list. Families have begun to gather ideas on how to spend their spring and summer weekends. As an agritourism destination owner or operator, have you thought about how you will promote your destination so yours makes the list of potential visitors?

Chef cutting food for a waiting guest.

How can you add value to your business so customers will select you over others? What differentiates you from your competitors? The first step for any business is to make it YOUR OWN. Begin by defining your business’s unique customer service culture. Many businesses skip this step – but it is the most important!

Older man shaking a younger mans hand with grape vines in the background.

In our last newsletter, we introduced a series of articles about our customer service workshops, and the five steps a business must do to provide excellent service to its customers. In the May, 2018 newsletter, we highlighted the first step of excellent customer service as “Make it Your Own”.

Group of people standing around tractor for presentation.

Iowa tourism is a growing business. According to 2016 research released by the Iowa Economic Development Authority, state tourism revenues exceeded $8 billion, with communities and businesses across the state trying to carve out a piece of the pie for themselves. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach is ready to help.

Decorative graphic of computer.

Branding is a key component of a business’s recognition and reputation. The use of names, symbols and designs can help customers and clients identify your company’s products and services. Branding can build an expectation about a company’s products and can encourage the company to maintain or exceed that expectation, thus, bringing better products and services into the market place.

Visit Iowa Farms Facebook page.

Google is primarily the first place people look to find information about a business or company. One of the first links to appear is the Facebook page. Facebook is the primary social media platform that is used to promote a business, so it is important to keep your information up-to-date. Here are five tips to help you maintain the performance of your Facebook page. 

Child holding out food in hands to a goat.

Whether you are gearing up for a busy fall season or are open other seasons of the year, it is always a good time to be thinking about safety on your agritourism destination. Establishing proper safety protocols can help ensure that you are doing all you can to protect the visitors on your destination.